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S^ft 12 1973
orking paper
of economics
C. P. Kindleberger
Number 114
August 1973
institute of
50 memorial drive
Cambridge, mass. 02139
C. P. Kindleberger
Number 114
August 1973
Comments, corrections, criticism welcome.
I. Introduction
It is a curious fact that the formation of financial centers is not
studied today in economics.
Partly it falls between two stools.
and regional economics which concern themselves with cities discuss the
location of commerce, industry and housing but rarely that of finance.
(An exception should perhaps be made for Canada [Kerr, 1965, 1967] and for
France [Labasse].)
A recent United States survey of urban economics men-
tioned finance only once in the text, and referred to no book on the subject
in a bibliography of 438 items [Goldstein and Moses].
At the same time, a
vigorous new literature on money and capital markets and their role in eco-
nomic development takes no interest in geographical location or the relation-
ships among financial centers [Goldsmith, McKinnon, Sametz, Shaw].
from a sentence or two, one would think that the money and capital market
was spread evenly throughout a given country.
Such general analytical
literature as I have found goes back to World War I.
In a 1912 study,
Marco Fanno has a chapter on the centralization process in banking and
money markets, including the geographic centralization.
A 1915 volume on
The Evolution of the Money Market presents an elaborate account of the
processes by which congeries of isolated banks were formed into a financial
hierarchy centered on London, with liberal use of physiological analogies,
including “natural selection” and “survival of the fittest.”
In his general
work on economic history, Gras describes the development of metropolitan
economy from town economy and village economy, and specifies that the metrop-
olis adds the function of finance [Gras, chaps v, vi].
His work demonstrates
an interest in the functions of and relations among financial centers which
is rare in current research.
The problem is of considerable historical interest, and not without
relevance to contemporary issues.
Historically, for example, explanation
is needed why money and capital markets were centered at the capital in
Great Britain, France and Germany, but not in Italy, Switzerland, Canada,
the United States, Australia, etc.
Or one can formulate an aspect of the
issue as a riddle:
what do the Midlands Bank, the Credit Lyonnais, the
Dresdner Bank, the Banca Tiberina, the Bank of Nova Scotia and the First
of Boston Corporation have in common?
The answer is that their executive
offices are located in a different place than that implied by their name –
the Midlands Bank in London, the Credit Lyonnais in Paris, the Dresdner
Bank in Berlin from 1892 to 1945, the Banca Tiberina (after 1879) in Turin,
not along the Tiber, the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto, and the First of
Boston Corporation in New York.
The two historical curiosities can be com-
a year after the Midlands Bank transferred its headquarters from
Birmingham to London (in 1891) , there was a simultaneous movement of the
A. Schaffhausen’scher Bankverein from Cologne to Berlin, i.e. from provincial
city to the capital, and of the Eidgenttssiche Bank from Berne, the capital,
to Zurich.
The affinity of finance and locations is underlined by the fact
that so many banks have places, rather than functions (Merchants, Farmers,
etc.) in their names.
(For private banks where confidence is all-important
banks are named for people.)
Contemporary relevance is provided partly by the tasks of building
money and capital markets in developing countries, which McKinnon and Shaw
regard as vital to economic development and more important than foreign aid
or export expansion.
Of interest to the writer is the question of predicting
which center, if any, will emerge as the leading money and capital market
of the European Economic Community if its monetary integration is achieved.
For the purposes of such prediction it is necessary to have a model of the
formation of financial centers.
In the pages that follow a comparative analysis is presented in
literary rather than statistical or econometric form.
It is perhaps unneces-
sary to defend the comparative method after having shown that the adminis-
trative capital sometimes serves as the financial center, and sometimes does not,
I go further, however, and suggest that the study of single cases, valuable
as It is, frequently tempts the economic historian to rely
too heavily on
single analytical models, and that the comparative method, for limited prob-
lems at least, is of value in showing what in historic process is general
and what special.
The qualification that the comparative method is most
effective with limited problems – as a rule of a partial-equilibrium sort –
reflects scepticism that general-equilibrium issues like business cycles,
stages of growth, and backwardness embody too many degrees of freedom as
one moves from one to another country, society, polity and economy to enable
the analyst to generalize with confidence.
As an aside, let me note the conviction that the comparative method
is best pursued by dealing with broadly similar countries rather than those
of widely differing cultures, traditions and stages of development and put-
ting the several cases through one head.
Useful work is done by assembling
different experts on different countries and asking them to follow a single
The two volumes edited by Cameron on the role of banking in the
early stages of industrialization show this method at its best, with the
editor seeking to generalize on the basis of separate studies [Cameron,
1967, 1972].
With multiple authorship, it is possible, of course, to go