Manual on Forming and
Registering Community Forest
Associations (CFAs)
The Kenya Forest Service
The mandate of the Kenya Forest Service is to provide for the establishment,
development and sustainable management, including conservation and rational
utilisation of forest resources for the socio-economic development of the country.
Vision statement
To be the leading organization of excellence in sustainable forest management and
Mission statement
To enhance conservation and sustainable management of forests and allied resources
for environmental stability and socio-economic development
Value statement
At Kenya Forest Service we provide services to protect, maintain and expand Kenyan
forests in a way that ensures productivity, sustainability and profitability of enhanced
natural resource base for the benefit of all Kenyans
Contact Address
The Director
Kenya Forest Service
P.O. Box 30513-00100 Nairobi
Tel: (254) 020 3754905
Contact Address
The Coordinator
P.O. Box 20110-00200 Nairobi
Tel: (254) 20 3871335
Mobile: 0726816000/ 0736600700
The Kenya Forests Working Group
KFWG is a gathering of individuals and organizations (government and non-
government, local, national and international) concerned with forests, their
conservation and management. KFWG was formed in 1995 to provide a forum for
exchanging and sharing information and experiences among members. It is a sub-
committee of the East African Wild Life Society. KFWG’s goal is to improve the status
of Kenya’s forests and increase the benefits from them through sound management
and conservation practices.
March 2009
Manual on Forming and
Registering Community Forest
Associations (CFAs)
This publication was developed and published through the generous support of:
The views expressed in this publication are those of KFWG and contributors and do not necessarily reflect or represent the
views of our donors or any governments.
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
1.0 Introduction to the manual…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
2.0 Step I: Identification and negotiation stage……………………………………………………………………………………………………9
2.1 Case I: Where there is an existing group…………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
2.2 Case II: Where there are no structures……………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
3. Step 2: Scope of activities for the CFA……………………………………………………………………………………………………………12
4. Step 3: Establish CFA rules and regulations……………………………………………………………………………………………………14
4.1 Awareness creation on Forests Act and other environmental legislation…………………………………………………14
4.2 Preparation of constitution, by-laws and other relevant regulations………………………………………………………….14
4.3 Assist the community to prepare for free and fair elections……………………………………………………………………….14
5. Step 4: Organize and facilitate transparent and fair elections for CFA………………………………………………………….15
5.1 Election of association committee……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
5.2 Registration of the association with Attorney General……………………………………………………………………………….15
5.3 Step 4: Registration with Kenya Forest Service…………………………………………………………………………………………..18
6. Step 5: Capacity Building for the CFA and Forest Committee……………………………………………………………………….19
7. Step 6: Form a forest level management committee………………………………………………………………………………………20
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
This manual explains step 4 of the Participatory Forest Management (PFM) guidelines prepared by the Kenya
Forest Service (KFS). The guidelines have eight steps on the PFM process. Step 4 of the guidelines is on Com-
munity Forest Associations (CFAs) formation. It provides critical information towards establishment of well
founded CFAs with inbuilt mechanisms to stand the test of time and realize set objectives
The Forest Act 2005 legally entrenches PFM in Kenya. In recognition of the critical role local communities
play in managing forests, the Act provides for creation of CFAs to act as legal entities for community engage-
ment with KFS in forest management.
There are two key objectives for developing the CFA formation manual. First, the guidelines provide PFM fa-
cilitators with required information for forming effective CFAs, and secondly, they provide a national standard
for CFA formation.
This manual is an important output of the National PFM Technical Committee.
Its primary target audience is the facilitator, herein defined as the party leading the process of CFA forma-
tion, but it also aims to sensitize communities and practitioners on critical aspects to consider for realizing
effective and well governed CFAs.
This manual is prescriptive and adaptive. It should be used together with other legal documents and the PFM
guidelines. It will be reviewed periodically as more experiences come in from the field.
To the readers of this manual; use it as a learning tool and a practical guide. Use it to tap the potential of
PFM for effective forest management, as its success (PFM), is dependent on existence of effective and firmly
grounded CFAs.
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
This manual has been prepared through wide stakeholder consultation and has heavily benefited from
lessons learnt from the field in areas where CFAs have been formed. To enrich this document, two
stakeholder workshops were held in Nakuru and Mombasa. They drew the participation of PFM practitioners,
representatives of selected CFAs and the National Alliance of Community Forest Associations.
To all those who were consulted, offered ideas and comments on the manual, we wish to express our strong
In particular, we wish to thank the team that tirelessly worked to have the manual finalised and published
for use in the field. These include: David Kuria (KENVO), Jack Omondi and Olivia Odhiambo (Forest Action
Network) Enock Kanyanya and Fred Barasa (Nature Kenya), Ben Wandago (IUCN-ESARO), Joram Kagombe
(KEFRI), Erick Nahama and Erastus Kibuka (KFS), Thuita Thenya (UoN), Michael Gachanja, Rudolph Makhanu,
Jackson Bambo and Liz Mwambui (KFWG), and the KFS taskforce; Owino. S.O (Legal), Okello Joshua
(Management Plans), Josphat Bundotich (MMMB), Gregory Mbita (Eco-tourism), Inganji Yakhama (Project
Manager NRMP), Jerome Mwanzia (Project Manager GZDSP).
Financial support for this manual was provided to the Kenya Forests Working Group by the Ford Foundation,
which supported the drafting of the manual and the Kenya Civil Society Strengthening Programme (KCSSP)
of USAID/Pact Kenya through Forest Action Network, which supported stakeholder meetings in Nakuru and
Mombasa, and publication.
We hope that this manual will guide formation of new CFAs, and where others have been formed and
registered provide, where necessary, neeeded corrective action.
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
List of Acronyms
Attorney General
Community Based Organization
Community Development Assistance
Community Forest Associations
Forest Conservancy Committee
Kenya Forestry Research Institute
Kenya Forest Service
Memorandum of Agreement
Non Government Organization
Organization Capacity Assessment
Participatory Forest Management
Participatory Forest Management
University of Nairobi
Kenya Forests Working Group
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
Community Forest Association
A group of persons who are registered as an association under the Societies Act (Cap 108) and who are resi-
dent in an area close to the specified forest.
The party leading the process of CFA formation. The facilitator could be a community member, Civil Society
Organization (CSO), government agency or any other person or institution driving the process.
Forest user group
Any group of individuals formal or informal who; collects, harvests or utilises any part or product from a for-
est for subsistence or commercial purposes.
A forest management approach, which deliberately involves the forest adjacent communities and other stake-
holders in management of forests within a framework, that contributes to community’s livelihoods.
Forest Level Management Committee
A committee initiated by the Service consisting of representatives from the Service, Community Forest As-
sociation and other relevant stakeholders to assist the CFA to implement the community forest management
Management Agreement
An agreement between the Service and a Community Forest Association. Local authority, or any person or
organisation for the purpose of managing a State or local authority forest.
Responsible Body
A body designated to manage, maintain and control a forest reserve or a community forest under the For-
ests Act, 2005 and in the case of a private forest, the owner or person in charge of the forest.
Gender and Age Equity
Refers to being just, impartial, and fair in gender and age representation within the CFA. It means levelling the
field for men, women and youth so that all have opportunity in the CFA structure, access to forest resource
through user groups and other CFA activities.
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
1.0 Introduction to the Manual
In the recent past, the concept of community conservation has been gaining popularity in Africa. In Kenya the
concept has been embraced as PFM within the forest sector and it allows co-management of natural resourc-
es with local communities. The Forests Act 2005 recognizes that local communities are key stakeholders in
achieving forest conservation objectives. Attached to this is the inevitable need to reassess the objectives and
approaches to conservation. The Forests Act 2005 stipulates that for communities to be engaged in forest
management they should be organized into CFAs.
Legal Note:
Section 46 (1) of the Forests Act states: “ A member of
forest community may, together with other members
or persons resident in the same area, register a com-
munity forest association under the Societies Act”.
Section 46 (2) of the Act states that an association
registered under subsection 1 may apply to the direc-
tor for permission to participate in the conservation and management of a
state forest or local authority forest in accordance with the provisions of
this Act.
Thus the Forests Act recognizes CFAs as the only legal entity through which communities enter into a man-
agement agreement with the Director of KFS.
Forest sector reforms have seen the creation of new institutions that will take on devolved authority and
responsibilities regarding forest management. CFAs are among the new institutions whose creation the
Forest Act 2005 provides for. The Act however does not provide elaborate procedures for their formation.
However, this is elaborated in the forest (participation in sustainable forest management) rules 2008 which
provide for engagement of communities through CFAs through management agreements. The PFM guidelines
also provide the process of engaging communities including formation of CFAs in step 4. This manual explains
this step further as illustrated in figure 1 below.
Manual on Forming and Registering Community Forest Associations (CFAs)