I. Overview: The Information Dominance Corps (IDC) effectively and collaboratively leads and
manages a cadre of officers, enlisted, and civilian professionals who possess extensive skills in
information-intensive fields. This corps of professionals receives extensive training, education,
and work experience in information, intelligence, counterintelligence, human-derived
information, networks, space, and oceanographic disciplines. This corps continually develops
and delivers dominant information capabilities in support of US
Navy, Joint and national war fighting requirements.
II. IDC Mission: Gain a deep understanding of the inner
workings of our adversaries, develop unmatched knowledge of
the battlespace, provide our operating forces with sufficient
over-match in wartime command and control, and project
power through and across the network.
II. IDC Background: The Information Dominance Corps was
created within the U.S. Navy in 2009 to more effectively and
collaboratively lead and manage a cadre of officers, enlisted,
and civilian professionals who possess extensive skills in
information-intensive fields. This corps of professionals will
receive extensive training, education, and work experience in
information, intelligence, counterintelligence, human-derived
information, networks, space, and oceanographic disciplines.
This corps will develop and deliver dominant information
capabilities in support of U.S. Navy, Joint and national
warfighting requirements.
IV. IDC Community Management: The Deputy Chief of
Naval Operations for Information Dominance/Director of Naval
Intelligence (OPNAV N2/N6) was designated as the leader of the IDC in 2009, representing a
landmark transition in the evolution of naval warfare, designed to elevate information as a main
battery of our warfighting capabilities, and firmly establish the
U.S. Navy’s prominence in intelligence, cyber warfare, and
information management. Toward this end, the strategic
objectives of OPNAV N2/N6 are to:
Elevate information to a core Navy warfighting capability.
Functionally integrate intelligence, information warfare,
Information/network management, oceanography, and
geospatial Information for information age operations.
Deliver assured command and control and information
access to Operational forces.
1 The Information Dominance Corps: What Does it Mean to Me? June 14, 2010 Folks, my various road trips. The question usually takes one of these forms: share with you my personal thoughts, as well as those collected from other Navy and IDC leaders, on what these changes may mean for you and your career. In starting this conversation I think it is best to go back to the foundation of our transformational effowords of the CNO, Admiral Gary Roughead. Admiral Roughead is the driving force behind the transformation and exciting advances the Navy is making across its information disciplines and information-based warfighting capabilities. He has made some key decisions which have enabled the Navy to move out boldly and decisively on a variety of fronts. Half and the importance of the Information Dominance Corps in that regard: Boldly introduce game-changing concepts,
strategies, and Capabilities.
Coordinate resource investment to deliver
information-centric Capabilities and competitive
Aggressively accelerate experimentation and
innovation with Information capabilities.
Deliver deep multi-intelligence penetration and
understanding of Potential adversaries, melded
with deep multi-domain understanding of the
operating environment.
Deliver remotely piloted, unattended, and
autonomous capabilities adaptively networked to
extend reach, penetration and persistence in
denied areas.
Information Dominance Guiding Principles:
Every platform a sensor
Every sensor networked
Dynamically tasked Sensors
A network-hosted enterprise
Improved autonomous platforms
Universally discoverable data
Targeting data accessible to all shooters
Expanded partner sharing agreements
Federated data exploitation
Service-oriented architecture
World-class training and education
“Cyberspace will be operationalized with capabilities that span the electromagnetic
spectrum – providing superior awareness and control when and where we need it.” –
ADM Greenert, CNO, Sailing Directions: Vision for next 10-15 yrs
V. Operationalizing the IDC and Cyber Warfare:
A. F : The United States Tenth
Fleet (COMTENTHFLT or C10F) is a functional formation of the United States Navy. It was
first created as an anti-submarine warfare coordinating organization during the Battle of the
Atlantic in World War II. Tenth Fleet was reactivated 29 January 2010 as the US Navy Fleet
Cyber Command/10th Fleet or FLTCYBERCOM/C10F, and is:
the Navy component of United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
the Navy authority for cyber operations
the Navy Service Cryptologic Element (SCE), or Service Cryptologic Component (SCC)
the operational authority and capability provider for Information Operations (IO) and
cyberspace operations, in close coordination with all Navy component commanders
Fleet Cyber Command Mission: The mission of Fleet Cyber Command is to direct
Navy cyberspace operations globally to deter and defeat aggression and to ensure
freedom of action to achieve military objectives in and through cyberspace; to
organize and direct Navy cryptologic operations worldwide and support information
operations and space planning and operations, as directed; to direct, operate,
maintain, secure and defend the Navy’s portion of the Global Information Grid; to
deliver integrated cyber, information operations, cryptologic, and space capabilities; and to
deliver global Navy cyber network common cyber operational requirements.
Tenth Fleet Mission: The mission of Tenth fleet is to serve as the Numbered Fleet
for Fleet Cyber Command and exercise operational control of assigned Naval forces;
to coordinate with other naval, coalition and Joint Task Forces to execute the full
spectrum of cyber, electronic warfare, information operations and signal intelligence capabilities
and missions across the cyber, electromagnetic and space domains.
: Navy Cyber Forces (NAVCYBERFOR or
CYBERFOR) is an Echelon III command under Commander, US Fleet Forces Command
(COMUSFLTFORCOM), and is the Type Commander (TYCOM) for
cryptology/SIGINT, cyber, electronic warfare, information operations, intelligence,
networks, and space disciplines. Like other TYCOMs, this is the manpower, training,
modernization, and maintenance component for these disciplines. Many
NAVCYBERFOR personnel will be from Information Dominance Corps (IDC)
communities, and much of FLTCYBERCOM’s operational manpower will come from
Navy CYBERFOR Mission: To organize and prioritize, training, modernization, and
maintenance, requirements, and capabilities of command and control architecture/networks,
cryptologic and space-related systems and intelligence and information operations activities, and
to coordinate with Type Commanders, to deliver interoperable, relevant and ready forces at the
right time at the best cost, today and in the future.
C. Organizational alignment of Navy Cyber with USCYBERCOM and IDC N2/N6:
Officers (IP), Information Warfare (IW) officers, Intelligence Officers (INT), Oceanography
Officers (METOC), Space Cadre, Aerographers Mates (AG), Cryptologic Technicians (CT),
Intelligence Specialists (IS), Information Technicians (IT) and Navy civilians.
A. Information Professional (IP): The Information Professional (IP) community operates,
maintains, secures, plans, acquires, and integrates naval networks and systems that support Navy
business processes to ensure they are reliable, available, survivable, and
secure. The community also seeks to aggressively foster development of
the skills needed to conduct Network Centric operations, both afloat and
ashore; evaluate and integrate leading edge technologies, innovative
concepts, and essential information elements to maintain superior
maritime operations in the information age.
1. Mission: Deliver Cyber ready systems and capabilities to the Fleet. Expertly operate the
Navy networks 24/7 to support all missions to include Navy command & control and
communications capabilities to support Navy, Joint and National requirements. Working with
Navy stakeholders to ensure the Naval Networking Environment is aligned with mission needs.
IPs develop a world‐class, superior workforce and identify efficiencies while improving
2. Overview: The IP Community has built a culture of continuous learning within its ranks.
Regardless of seniority, it is expected that all IPs stay current with the world of technology and
every member of the community is encouraged to find new ways these technologies and
information disciplines can be used for military benefit. Recognized for their technical expertise
and experience rooted in Fleet operations, the IP Community leads the development and
deployment of advanced command & control, space, cyber, and information technology
capabilities within the Navy. Understanding naval operational needs, the IP Community is a key
component to Navy’s C4I agility.
3. Operational Elements: IPs serve both at sea and ashore. Emphasis is placed on maintaining
relevancy to the operational mission, demonstrating world-class technical knowledge,
developing agile thinking and innovative problem-solving skills, and staying current in this
rapidly changing field via continuous education and qualifications. The Naval environment is a
complex, large-scale system of systems, and it is only expected to become more complex as new
technologies emerge and more and more devices are connected to the Internet. IP officers serve
in challenging billets of ever increasing scope and responsibility both afloat and ashore. IPs are
assigned to sea billets on strike group staffs and ships at each grade. Shore tours include
C4I/Space/Surveillance billets on major Navy and Joint staffs as well as command of key
communication and surveillance facilities around the globe.
Cyber and Net-Centric Warfare Commands: Navy IPs serve as Commanding Officers of
Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Stations (NCTAMS), Naval Computer
and Telecommunications Stations (NCTS), the Navy Communication Security
(COMSEC) System, and network operations centers (NOCs). IP officers also
serve in key positions on the Navy Staff, Joint Staff, Combatant Commander
Staffs, major Fleet Commander staffs, Naval Network Warfare Command, and
Fleet Cyber Forces Command. Senior IPs serve as the Chief Information Officers
in many commands.
Fleet Information Dominance: Navy IPs serve as Information Management Officers, Combat
Systems Officers, Carrier Strike Group C4I Directors, amphibious C5I Officers, staff Knowledge
Managers, Communications Officers, Electronic Key Management System (EKMS) Custodians,
Information Assurance Managers, and Information Systems Officers. IPs at sea lead enlisted
Information System Technicians, Cryptologic Technician Networks, Electronics Technicians,
Interior Communications Electricians and Fire Controlman
ratings, and are responsible for vital shipboard functions
that support everything including air operations, ship
machinery control, logistics, intelligence systems, medical,
and quality of life systems. IPs at sea serve as Battle Watch
Captains, Tactical Action Officers, Officers of the Deck,
CIC Watch Officers, and many also qualify as Surface
Warfare Officers.
Joint and Combined Operations: Navy IPs serve today in
Afghanistan, Iraq, Horn of Africa and in other hazardous duty areas
supporting Joint and Combined operations. IPs serve as J6 Directors,
Knowledge Managers, Network Systems Engineers, and in other
communications positions. The IP Community also serves in Special
Warfare and Navy Expeditionary Combat assignments to provide
essential C2, communications, and networking capabilities.
4 ’ w k : The Navy IP Community manages the Navy’s networks including:
a. NIPRNet – The Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router Network for unclassified but
sensitive information exchange.
b. SIPRNet – The Secret Internet Protocol Router Network for classified (up to and including
Secret) information exchange.
c. JWICS – The Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications
System for classified (up to and including Top Secret (TS) and
Special Compartment Information (SCI) information exchange.
d. CANES – Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services
provides the common shipboard computing environment
infrastructure for command, control, communications, computers,
and intelligence (C4I) applications.
e. ONE-NET – The OCONUS (outside the Continental United
States) Navy Enterprise Network provides information exchange and
telecommunication services to OCONUS Navy shore commands.
f. CENTRIXS – Combined Enterprise Regional Information
Exchange System for multi-national information sharing in support
of planning and executing military operations. Supports intelligence
and classified information exchange up to Secret Releasable.
B. Information Warfare (IW): The Information Warfare Community employs specific tools
and processes to provide the Commander with kinetic and non-kinetic means of achieving key
objectives at all levels of operations by effecting adversary, and protecting friendly, decision
making-capabilities. Often first on the scene, Navy assets bring great reach and flexibility to the
joint Information Operations campaign. Navy platforms deliver the commander’s message to
maritime, littoral, and leadership audiences, as well as audiences in denied areas. They affect
vital networks, protecting friendly assets and impeding adversary Command and Control (C2).
1. Mission: Execute the full spectrum of cyber, cryptology, SIGINT, information operations,
computer network operations and electronic warfare missions. This occurs across the cyber,
electromagnetic and space domains to deter and defeat aggression, to provide warning of intent,
and to ensure freedom of action while achieving military objectives in and through cyberspace.
2. Overview: The IW Community delivers information superiority. This is achieved through the
application of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Computer Network Operations (CNO) and
Electronic Warfare (EW) expertise. Other responsibilities of the Navy IW Community typically
Leading Information Dominance personnel across the spectrum of military operations
Developing and operating cutting-edge network exploitation and defense systems
Planning and delivering information warfare effects during exercises and operations
3. Operational Elements:
IW Community members are typically assigned to one of the four National Cryptologic Centers
(Hawaii, Texas, Georgia, Maryland). At each one of these Cryptologic Centers the Navy’s
presence is significant, and identified as a Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC).
As the Navy’s Center of Excellence for Information Operations (IO), Navy Information
Operations Command advances Information Operations war fighting capabilities for Naval and
Joint Forces by providing operationally focused training and planning support, developing
doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures, advocating requirements in support of future
effects-based warfare, and managing functional data for Information Operations. NIOCs are
organized under Commander, US Tenth Fleet. Within each NIOC is the Fleet Information
Operations Center (FIOC) responsible for support to fleet needs as directed by operational fleet
commanders and as specified in the NIOC’s mission.
Navy Cyber Defense Operations Center (NCDOC) located in Little Creek, VA, coordinates,
monitors, and oversees the defense of Navy computer networks and systems and is responsible
for accomplishing Computer Network Defense (CND) missions as assigned by Commander,
U.S. Tenth Fleet and Commander, U.S. Cyber Command.
Expeditionary Tactical Information Operations Support (ETIOS) teams are deployable,
three-man enlisted teams capable of task organizing to conduct tactical SIGINT electronic
warfare (EW)/electronic warfare support (ES) collection, processing, and analysis in direct
support of JFMCC or NCC requirements. ETIOS provides EW/SIGINT-derived FP/I&W
intelligence to the supported commanders and staffs. Specifically, ETIOS personnel conduct
real-time or near-real-time collection operations that include, but are not limited to, search,
intercept, identify, exploit, and direction-find communications and non-communications
transmissions support to deployed expeditionary forces.
In composite warfare, the Information Operations Warfare Commander (IWC) is
responsible to shape and assess the information environment, achieve and maintain information
superiority, develop and execute IO plans in support of Composite Warfare Commander (CWC)
objectives while supporting other warfare commanders.
The Cryptologic Resource Coordinator (CRC) is the officer assigned some or the entire
Officer in Tactical Command (OTC) detailed responsibilities for management of cryptologic
assets, cryptologic coverage and tasking plans, personnel and augmentation requirements,
cryptologic direct support operations, signal security operations, direct service interfaces,
cryptologic sanitation, and correlation procedures. The CRC should be collocated with the OTC
staff and should have representatives in the CWC’s SUPPLOT watch area. The alternate CRC
should be located on the ship with the best cryptologic resources.
Typically, a senior enlisted Sailor from one of the NIOCs is assigned to the CRC as an assistant
CRC. Together, they coordinate the cryptologic effort of the group to which they are attached
while receiving support from each units’ SSES Division Officer/SIGWO. Additionally, each
sensor platform is assigned an Electronic Warfare Officer to serve as the principal EW planner
who develops operation plans (OPLANs) and concept plans (CONPLANs), plans and monitors
routine EW operations and activities, and coordinates joint EW training and exercises.
4. IW Components
Electronic Warfare (EW) refers to any military action involving the use of electromagnetic
(EM) and directed energy to control the EM spectrum or to attack the adversary. EW includes
three major subdivisions: electronic attack (EA), electronic protection (EP), and electronic
warfare support (ES). EA involves the use of EM energy, directed energy, or antiradiation
weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or equipment with the intent of degrading, neutralizing,
or destroying adversary combat capability. EP ensures the friendly use of the EM spectrum. ES
consists of actions tasked by, or under direct control of, an operational commander to search for,
intercept, identify, and locate or localize sources of intentional and unintentional radiated EM
energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition, targeting, planning, and conduct of
future operations. ES provides information required for decisions involving EW operations and
other tactical actions such as threat avoidance, targeting, and homing. ES data can be used to
produce SIGINT, provide targeting for electronic or other forms of attack, and produce
measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT). SIGINT and MASINT can also provide
battle damage assessment (BDA) and feedback on the effectiveness of the overall operational
Computer Network Operations (CNO) is one of the latest capabilities developed in support of
military operations. CNO, along with EW, is used to attack, deceive, degrade, disrupt, deny,
exploit, and defend electronic information and infrastructure. For the purpose of military
operations, CNO are divided into Computer Network Attack (CNA), Computer Network
Defense (CND), and related computer network exploitation (CNE) enabling operations. CNA
consists of actions taken through the use of computer networks to disrupt, deny, degrade, or
destroy information resident in computers and computer networks, or the computers and
networks themselves. CND involves actions taken through the use of computer networks to
protect, monitor, analyze, detect, and respond to unauthorized activity within DOD information
systems and computer networks. CND actions not only protect DOD systems from an external
adversary but also from exploitation from within, and are now a necessary function in all military
operations. CNE is enabling operations and intelligence collection capabilities conducted
through the use of computer networks to gather data from target or adversary automated
information systems or networks.
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) is intelligence derived from electronic signals and systems used
by foreign targets, such as communications systems, radars, and weapons systems. SIGINT
provides a vital window for our nation into foreign adversaries’ capabilities, actions, and
C. Intelligence (INTEL): Naval Intelligence provides evaluated intelligence on an adversary’s
capabilities and intentions to support planning and operations at all levels of warfare.
Intelligence allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances, and it
informs decisions by illuminating the differences in available courses of action. Naval
Intelligence provides tactical, operational and strategic intelligence support to U.S. naval forces,
joint services, multi-national forces, and executive level decision-makers.
It is important to understand the distinction between information and intelligence.
Information is an assimilation of data that has been gathered, but not fully correlated, analyzed,
or interpreted. While not fully analyzed or correlated, information still has significant value to
the tactical commander and plays a key role in threat warning and target acquisition.
Intelligence, on the other hand, is the product resulting from the collection, exploitation,
processing, integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of available information
concerning foreign countries or areas. Integration and analysis, combined with a thorough
understanding of mission requirements, convert information into usable intelligence. Thus,
intelligence is the product we derive from analyzing all available and relevant information.