F r o z e n S e a f o o d P r o d u c t s
Hygiene, Sanitation Standard Operating
Procedure and HACCP for suppliers
Summer 1999
Prepared For:
Cryofresh® manufacturing facilities are audited by the National
Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS), Seafood Inspection Program,
to verify compliance with the following applicable standards:
• EU (European Union)
• TSSA Tasteless Smoked Seafood Association
Copyright © October 1999
Contents from this document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written
consent of Hawaii International Seafood, Inc.
Page I
I. Table of Contents
Page 1. Table of Contents
Page 2. Introduction
Page 2. Personal Hygiene
Page 2. Photo # 1. Workers Using Masks and Gloves.
Page 3. Example IIIA: Personnel Hygiene Code
Page 3. Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure
Page 4. Photos # 2 and # 3. Ice Potability and Thermometer Checks
Page 7. Cleaning Schedule
Page 7. HACCP Plan
Page 8. Photo #5 and #6 Packaging Material Handling
Page 9. Example: SSOP plan.
Page 11. Example: Calibration Checklist
Page 12. Example: Chlorine Checklist and Glass Checklist
Page 13. Cleaning Schedule
Page 13. Example: Map, Facility Areas of Responsibility
Page 14. Example: Cleaning Instructions
Page 32. Example: Cleaning Schedule Check List
Page 37. Example: Hazard Analysis Worksheet
Page 40. Typical HACCP Plan and Records
Hawaii International Seafood, Inc. is a Charter Member and Certified
Manufacturers Member of the Tasteless Smoked Seafood Association
(TSSA). The TSSA establishes strict standards and auditing procedures
to “CERTIFY” products manufactured with “tasteless smoke” and to
verify complaince of tasteless smoked products with USFDA food safety
and labeling requirements.
Page 1
II. Introduction
III. Personal Hygiene
All H.I.S. suppliers shall adopt and maintain a Person-
nel Hygiene Code and training program at each site where
H.I.S. products are produced. In-house training on the
Personnel Hygiene Code for all staff shall be conducted
by qualified management personnel at least annually and
individually each time a new staff member is acquired.
Personnel Hygiene Code training shall consist of thor-
ough and complete orientation and explanation of the
Personnel Hygiene Code to all staff members. This train-
ing shall be documented for each staff member by the
issuance by the supplier of an in-house Certificate of
Completion for training on the Personnel Hygiene Code
for each individual staff member. This Certificate of
Completion should be issued only after the individual
staff member has passed an oral or written test on the
Personnel Hygiene Code.
The Personnel Hygiene Code example that follows this
page represents the minimum standards required of all
suppliers of seafood products for H.I.S. See example
III-A on following page.
Note on Surgical Masks and Gloves: Surgical masks
and gloves, although not required by H.I.S., may be used
at the option of the supplier. If they are used they shall
be 100% disposable and disposed of each time the indi-
vidual staff member exits the processing room in which
they are used. In addition, gloved hands shall be washed
as required in the Personnel Hygiene Code prior to put-
ting on gloves and again after the gloves are on.
The people at Hawaii International Seafood Inc. (referred
to in this Manual as H.I.S.) are dedicated to providing
consistently high quality and safe seafood products. For
this reason we have written this manual as a guide for
our international suppliers. We are dedicated to working
closely with our suppliers to achieve our goal of exceed-
ing international standards for hygiene, sanitation and
hazard control in each facility that produces seafood prod-
ucts for H.I.S. This manual is also available on request
from H.I.S. on diskette formatted to MS Word for Win-
dows 95, 98 or 2000.
This manual clearly explains the requirements all sup-
pliers must meet and includes actual examples of the
documents and records currently in use by our U.S.D.C.
and U.S.F.D.A. inspected facilities worldwide.
We require that all suppliers meet the minimum require-
ments as stated in this manual. For this purpose, the word
“shall” is used to indicate mandatory requirements and
the word “should” is used to indicate suggestions from
In addition to the requirements set forth in this manual
all suppliers shall:
• Meet or exceed all local Federal, Provincial and /or
State health and safety codes for the jurisdiction where
their facility is physically located.
• Be fully aware of and abide by Good Manufacturing
Practice for all production operations.
• Never under any circumstances export any product pro-
duced outside of the guidelines contained in this Manual
to H.I.S. without full notice in writing to H.I.S. and the
express written permission of H.I.S.
• Produce product only with full regard to environmen-
tal, ethical and occupational safety concerns.
• Be prepared and available for unannounced audit
visits by authorized H.I.S. representatives. Including,
but not limited to, maintaining copies of all required
documents and records in readily accessible form at
the actual plant site or sites where H.I.S. products are
• Maintain at least one copy of this manual, in good
condition, at the actual plant site or sites where H.I.S.
products are produced.
PHOTO #1. Workers using masks and gloves. Proper protective
clothing shall be worn by all personnel in the processing area.
Disposable surgical masks and gloves may be used at the option of
the supplier, but must be used properly.
Page 2
EXAMPLE III-A Personal Hygiene Code
1. All personnel entering the receiving or processing
areas shall wear the approved protective uniform.
IV. Sanitation Standard Operating
The processing area uniform shall consist of rubber
boots, white smock and white hair-net cap, white
hair net beard snood and mustache snood if appli-
2. Protective clothing shall be worn only immediately
prior to entering or while working in the area
designated for its use.
Protective clothing shall not be worn outside the
area designated for its use, especially in the eating/
smoking area, outside the facility or in the bath
Protective clothing shall be turned in at the end of
each work shift for in-house laundering.
Protective rubber boots shall not be worn outside
the facility.
3. Personnel hair and facial hair shall be fully en-
closed within the hair-net cap or facial hair snood
while in the processing area.
Each H.I.S. supplier shall write and maintain a plan for
Sanitation for each facility that produces seafood prod-
ucts for H.I.S. As required by both U.S.F.D.A. and the
E.E.C. this plan shall be titled “Sanitation Standard Op-
erating Procedure” (SSOP).
The SSOP, at a minimum, shall cover the following sani-
tation concerns:
• Cleaning and Sanitizing of All Processing Areas and
• Pest Control
• Facility Structure and Layout
• Facility Maintenance
• Personnel Hygiene
• Toilet Facilities
• Potable Water and Ice Supply
4. No jewelry shall be worn in the processing area.
• Chemicals (Including Chlorine Levels in Sanitizing
5. No perfume or body scent shall be worn by pro-
cessing personnel.
• Ventilation
6. Fingernails shall be kept short, neat and clean.
• Waste Disposal
7. All wounds cuts, sores, infections or abrasions
shall be reported to the office and covered with
disposable sanitary bandage material.
• Measuring Equipment Calibration
• Glass Status
8. All personnel must thoroughly wash their hands
and rinse them with chlorine dip (water chlorinated
to 50 PPM) or other H.I.S.-approved sanitizer each
time they enter a food-contact area.
9. Smoking and eating shall only be allowed in the
designated rest area.
10. Any personnel suffering from infectious disease,
including flu, stomach complaints or food poison-
ing shall report to the office for evaluation prior to
returning to work
11. No glass in food-contact areas.
These concerns shall be addressed in detail in writing in
written form in the SSOP and checked daily using an
SSOP Checklist that covers these concerns as written in
the SSOP. This SSOP and SSOP Checklist shall be veri-
fied and audited by an authorized H.I.S. technician. A
written copy of the SSOP and all related records shall be
kept in readily accessible form at the actual plant site or
sites where H.I.S. products are produced.
Please see examples IV-A and IV-B on the pages fol-
lowing Photographs 2 and 3. This is an actual SSOP and
SSOP Checklist currently in use in a USFDA and USDC
inspected facility that supplies both fresh and frozen prod-
ucts to H.I.S.
Page 3
EXAMPLE IV-A Sanitation Standard
Operating Procedure
1. Sanitation Concern: Pests
1.1 Eliminate harborage and attractant
areas for pests.
• Method: Designated management and/or processing
personnel shall keep weeds cut, pick up litter on
facility grounds and keep area clean and free of
harborage areas for pests.
• Method: Designated management and/or processing
personnel shall conduct daily survey of facility and
dispose of any unused/discarded equipment and
materials that may become harborage areas for pests.
• Method: Designated management and/or processing
personnel shall eliminate standing pools of water on
facility grounds through drainage or manually on a
daily basis as allowed by weather.
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and checked daily for satisfactory status
by the designated management and/or processing
1.2 Extermination of Pests
• Method: An insect electrocution device shall be
installed at the entrance of the processing plant
within the first entry door and shall be properly
• Method: Traps or poison bait shall be set out and
checked on a daily basis by designated management
and/or processing personnel or as needed and recom
mended by a licensed pest control company to help
control rodents.
PHOTO #2. All water and
ice used throughout each
phase of product handling
shall meet World Health
Organization Standards for
Potable Water.
PHOTO # 3. Sanitation standards must be maintained throughout
each step of production, from harvest vessel to final packing and
cold storage.
• Method: All non-product-contact areas and surfaces
shall be treated with a non-persistent insecticide
weekly to eliminate insect pests. All product-contact
equipment and surfaces shall be covered or isolated
during insecticide application. Alternatively, this
shall be contracted to a licensed pest control com-
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and checked daily for satisfactory status by
designated management and/or processing personnel.
2. Sanitation Concern: Structure and Layout of
Processing Plant
2.1 Plant shall be in such a condition so as to
prevent filth contamination from entering plant.
(i.e. tracked in mud, airborne dust etc.)
• Method: Management shall ensure that the process-
ing plant is cleaned and sanitized on a twice-daily
basis by designated management and/or processing
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and shall be checked daily for satisfactory
status by designated management and/or processing
2.2 The design, layout and materials used in the
processing plant and employee rest rooms shall be
able to be readily cleaned and sanitized
to preclude contamination.
• Method: Rooms shall be laid out and processing
furniture placed so that they can be readily cleaned
and sanitized at least twice daily.
Page 4
• Method: Walls and floors shall be waterproofed and
washable so as to be easily cleaned and sanitized
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and checked daily for satisfactory status by
designated management and/or processing person-
2.3 Equipment and utensils shall be designed and
located in such a way as to facilitate daily cleaning
and sanitation by designated management and/or
processing personnel.
3 Maintenance. The general condition of the
facility shall be maintained to prevent the intro-
duction of hazards.
• Method: The general condition of the facility shall
be checked on a weekly basis by the plant manager
or the designated assistant manager, who will check
for such things as peeling paint, roof leaks, loose
wiring, unsecured wall panels and the like. Repairs
and upkeep shall be ongoing and of a preventative
• Method: Lights shall be covered to prevent physical
contamination of the product.
• Method: Equipment shall be maintained and kept in
good working order. Scales shall be checked against
tested weights and thermometers against 0( ice water
daily. Cooler refrigerators shall be monitored for
proper cooling temperatures.
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist or the Calibration Checklist and
checked for satisfactory status on a daily basis by
designated management and/or processing person-
• Method: All crew members shall hose down the
equipment walls, floors and product contact surfaces
of the processing area with clean water every day to
remove loose debris. A foaming detergent agent shall
be used in conjunction with the wash down proce-
• All floors, walls, sinks, drains and tables shall be
rinsed with water chlorinated to 50 ppm. This
water shall be left on all surfaces for 30 minutes
prior to being rinsed off with clean water.
• Method: Walls, floors and equipment shall be
thoroughly rinsed with clean water after 30 minute
soaking process in order to rinse off all chemicals, to
prevent chemical contamination of the product by
cleaning agents and to sanitize all surfaces.
• Method: Refrigerated storage areas shall be cleaned
and sanitized every month in the manner described
above, or more frequently as required.
• Method; All other areas of the facility shall be
regularly cleaned and kept free of litter and excess
clutter by designated management and/or processing
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and checked daily for satisfactory status
by designated management and/or processing
• All requirements for chlorine levels shall be checked
daily and results entered on the Chlorine Level
4.2 Chemical Contamination Prevention
• Method: All chemicals shall be properly labeled and
stored in the Chemical storage area and checked
daily on the Sanitation Checklist.
3.1 Sufficient lighting shall be provided to ensure
product safety and integrity.
3.2 Equipment and utensils shall be maintained
properly and kept in good repair.
5. Sanitation Concern: Personal Hygiene
5.1 All employees shall maintain a high degree of
personal cleanliness to prevent contamination of
food product.
3.3 Product contact surfaces shall be kept in good
repair, and shall be constructed of stainless steel or
other non-porous, non-rusting material.
4. Sanitation Concern: Cleaning and Sanitizing
4.1 The facility and equipment shall be cleaned and
• Method: Employees shall thoroughly wash their
hands with detergent soap and chlorinated water
prior to working in production, after each break and
after using toilet facilities. Hand washing stations
must be maintained in good working order with soap
and clean paper towels in both the toilet and process-
ing areas. Signs shall be posted in the toilet and
Page 5
processing areas reminding employees of hand-
washing requirements.
8. Sanitation Concern: Ice
• Method: Employees shall remove insecure jewelry
prior to fish handling. Clean clothing and waterproof
boots will be worn.
• Method: Eating, drinking, spitting and smoking shall
not be allowed in the processing area or any other
area where processing equipment or materials are
• Method: Employees with illness or injuries that may
reasonably be a possible source of contamination to
the product shall not enter the processing area. Illness
and injury must be reported to management.
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and checked daily for satisfactory status by
designated management and/or processing personnel.
6. Sanitation Concern: Rest rooms
6.1 Operable, in good repair and conveniently
accessible toilet facilities shall be maintained and
checked daily by maintenance personnel.
• Method: Rest room supplies, toilet paper, liquid soap,
paper towels etc. shall be supplied and maintained
sufficient to meet employees needs.
• The above methods shall be listed on the Sanitation
Checklist and checked daily for satisfactory status by
designated management and/or processing personnel.
7. Sanitation Concern: Water Supply
7.1 Water supply must meet local and W.H.O.
standards for potable water. Sewage system must be
in good working order. The water should be chlori-
nated to .5-1.5 PPM.
• Method: Water supply shall be tested every six
months to comply with W.H.O.standards for potable
water. The test results shall be kept on file by man-
• Chlorine level shall be checked daily and entered in
the Chlorine Level Checklist.
• Method: Sewage backflow and siphonage shall be
eliminated and prevented by eliminating cross
connections and placing anti-backflow devices
wherever backflow or siphonage may occur. This
shall be checked daily on the Sanitation Checklist by
designated management and/or processing personnel.
8.1 Ice supply must meet local and W.H.O. stan-
dards for potable water.
• Method: Ice shall be purchased only from the govern-
ment certified pure ice factory. Ice shall be tested to
comply with local and W.H.O. standards every 6
months or certified test copies shall be tendered by
ice factory. Copies of test results will be kept on file
by management. Water used to make ice shall be
chlorinated to 25 PPM and checked daily on the
Chlorine Level Checklist.
9. Sanitation Concern: Chemicals
9.1 All chemicals shall be used according to
manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations
and stored in an area with limited access and away
from product processing.
10. Sanitation Concern: Ventilation
10.1 Adequate ventilation and air exchange shall be
provided throughout the facility.
11. Sanitation Concern: Waste Disposal
11.1 Sewage systems shall be draining properly and
connected to the approved local government sew-
age system. Processing wastes must be stored and
disposed of properly.
• Method: Method: Processing wastes shall be placed
in proper, sealable and readily sanitized containers
and removed frequently, at least once a day. This
shall be monitored daily by designated management
and/or processing personnel and checked on the
Sanitation Checklist.
12. Sanitation Concern: Packaging Material Stor-
12.1 All food-contact packaging shall be stored so as
to be completely sealed in the manufacturer’s
original carton. These cartons shall be stored on
pallets and covered in clean plastic wrapping. Any
open food-contact packaging material shall be
stored in seal-able sanitized plastic food containers.
The packaging storage area shall conform to the
same standards as any high-risk food processing
13. Sanitation Concern: Glass Contamination
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