CastleBranch Account Set-Up Information
If you are experiencing any issues creating or using your account, please contact CastleBranch directly
at 888.723.4263 during the following hours:
Monday-Thursday 8am-10pm EST
Friday 8am-6:30pm EST
Sunday 10am-6:30pm EST
You can also visit CastleBranch’s FAQs page:
As a new SON student, you need to create CastleBranch accounts to track your compliance for the school. My
CB/Immunization Tracker conducts your background check and drug test, and tracks your immunizations and general
SON requirements (HIPAA, OSHA, Academic Integrity Module, etc.). CB Bridges/Pro Advantage Tracker is used to track
site specific compliance documents when you start going to sites for your clinical rotations. These are 2 separate
accounts which you must log into separately, but they share the same username and password. Below are the
instructions for creating these accounts. Once you’ve created your accounts, follow the instructions within each account
to upload all required documents to your CB account.
NOTE: You must also submit the ORIGINAL of the Assessment of the Current Health Status form to the Office of
Student Affairs prior to matriculation (OSA: Room 1200 Carrington Hall).
To create your CastleBranch accounts, go to and
enter the appropriate package code. The following tables include the various package codes for all SON graduate
programs. Please use your UNC email with your ONYEN to create your account, as well as when you place any
subsequent orders.
• All students must use the Matriculation Package code(s) specific to your program to create your initial account
upon matriculation. Thereafter, you will need to use the single item codes in the second table as needed (e.g.,
students must order CB Bridges/Site Compliance/Pro Advantage Tracker ANNUALLY but only need to order the
My CB/Immunization Tracker ONCE in their SON career as part of the Matriculation Package).
• Some requirements must be renewed annually. In order to do this, you must place an order using the same
email address that was used to create your account. Choose the corresponding package code below and go to to place your order.
o CB Bridges/Site Compliance/Pro Advantage Tracker must be re-ordered annually.
o Drug Tests are also required annually.
o Based on clinical placement, some sites may require additional Background Checks. For these additional
Background Checks, you will use the Background Re-check code to place that order. Additional
Background Checks are available to you at a discounted rate ($20 instead of $52).
• PhD students are only required to have the My CB/Immunization Tracker and Background Check to matriculate,
therefore you have 2 separate codes and must place 2 orders. PhD students only need CB Bridges/Site
Compliance/Pro Advantage Tracker and Drug Test IF your research or coursework involves clinical placement.
Codes for Initial Order upon Matriculation:
Program Matriculation Package
PhD UW04bg +
$52 +
CastleBranch Account Set-Up Info (rev. 5-31-2018)
Codes for Subsequent Orders:
Program Background
Drug Test
CB Bridges/Pro
Tracker ($20)
PhD UW04re
UV98redt UV98pat
UW02redt UW02pat
UW03redt UW03pat
UW04redt UW04pat