Congé Individuel de formation: what is it
and how to apply while preparing for
your CFA exam.
• Training leave is for special leave, on top of
your annual legal leave, to allow employees,
self-employed persons and freelancers to
attend courses, prepare for and participate in
exams, write papers or take any other work in
relation to an eligible training;
• Employees must:
– normally be employed in a workplace located in
– be bound by an employment contract to a company or
association legally incorporated and operating in the
Grand Duchy, and
– have a seniority of at least 6 months with their
employer when applying.
• Self-employed workers and liberal profession
workers must be affiliated for 2 years at least to
the Luxembourg social security.
How to apply
The applicant must apply to the Service de la formation
professionnelle du Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de
la Formation professionnelle. Specifically, he/she must:
• complete the application for a training leave (downloadable
from the page:
• notify the request to his employer that has to approve, and
• send the completed form with required documents to the
appropriate public body (please, refer to the
aforementioned web site).
How many days of training leave for
the CFA Exam
• The total number of days of training leave to which the beneficiary
can claim depends on the number of hours invested in training. The
number of hours is defined by the CFA Institute (the Luxembourg CFA
Society provide a document mentioning it).
The number of hours invested is converted to number of working
days. Eight hours of training account for a day. The ratio thus
calculated is divided by three to get the number of days of training
leave. The result is rounded, if necessary, to the lower unit.
Sample calculation for a 300-hour training program:
300/8 = 37.5 days of work
37.5/3 = 12.5 days of training leave
(rounding to the lower unit)
• Maximum training leave is 80 days for each beneficiary during his
professional career.
• Over a period of two years, the maximum number of days of training
leave due is 20 days. The minimum training leave is 1 day.