Method of the Multi-UAV Formation Flight Control
Chepizhenko Valeriy1 and Skyrda Ihor2
1 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
2 Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services Enterprise (UkSATSE), Boryspil, Ukraine
Abstract. The main issue that arises when considering multi-UAV formation
flight in a group is that of collision probability. In this case, without human con-
trol involved, it is artificial intelligence that is responsible for flight performance
in the airspace in such a way that collision is avoided. Taking into account a rapid
increase in civil and military applications of UAVs, a collision avoidance algo-
rithm is proposed based on artificial potential field method. This method makes
it possible to detect a potential conflict between multiple vehicles and other static
or moving obstacles found in airspace, to provide collision resolution by chang-
ing UAVs flight parameters through maintaining minimum separation distance,
including cases when manned vehicles are found in the same airspace. There can
be distinguished a wide range of obstacles: static non-moving objects or vehicles
having different sizes or flight parameters (multi-rotor, fixed wing and single ro-
tor UAVs), or a few UAVs of one type but with different types of hardware con-
figuration, at the same time considering the possibility of flight performance in
the same airspace with manned aircraft. Group formation keeps shape on the
flight path, taking into account some ground speed restrictions and turn bank an-
gle values according to UAV’s flight performance characteristics. The proposed
method is used for multi-UAV control without any leader and provide multiple
conflicts resolution, where each UAV is characterized by its protection zone.
Keywords: autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle, artificial potential field, syn-
ergetic, formation flight control.
Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) or Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), col-
loquially known as ‘drones’, are aerial vehicles that fly without an on-board pilot, as
well as the systems that support them to do so. RPAS refers to a system, extending
beyond the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to
include ground stations (where control units and remote pilots are based) and commu-
nications infrastructures. Within the broad definition of UAS lies a diverse range of
systems and UAVs. Some differences between these UAS are immediately apparent,
such as the size or weight of UAVs. Other differences are more subtle, such as the
medium of communication between the vehicle and the ground station. These systems
have varying degrees of automation and autonomy, but usually include human remote
pilots who control the vehicle from meters, kilometers or continents away. Perhaps the
most established and visible applications of UAS are for military purposes, including
combat and surveillance operations, but many applications have been identified for do-
mestic uses such as environmental monitoring, security, emergency response, surveil-
lance and recreation. In addition to the significant functional and economic benefits of
these civil UAS, the technologies required for civil UAS operations are ready for mar-
ket and the principal barriers to development in the sector are regulatory. In response
to demand, the European Commission (EC) has published strategies to allow the grad-
ual integration of UAS into normal airspace.
The main technical peculiarity of UAS is defined by the extent of autonomy and
automation delegated from the pilot to the system. Automation levels range from those
that are fully piloted from a remote location to those that are fully automated. There are
also several points in-between, with some maneuvers triggered automatically through
autonomous monitoring of conditions. Depending upon system priorities, autonomous
maneuvers may have priority over, or be overridden by, the commands of a remote
pilot. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and current EC plans will
only permit autonomous maneuvers to override pilot command in extraordinary cir-
cumstances such as communication failure or imminent collision risk. The UAS tech-
nologies beyond this definition, featuring greater autonomy, are also quite well devel-
oped and, while integration is not currently planned, it could plausibly follow a suc-
cessful period of development in the UAS sector [1].
Analysis of Researches and Publications
The results of analysis show that most of known methods for multi-UAV control have
a number of significant limitations that are connected with multiple conflicts resolution
and group formation. Particularly, the main disadvantage that potential conflicts can be
solved pairwise, when this issue needs to be done in a global way. For example, the
system called Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) that is already
installed aboard uses range measurements and range-rate estimates to determine if a
conflict exists [2]. Methods developed for group control in robotics do not include such
feature, so UAVs must deal with constant movement and limited turning ability, which
makes collision avoidance much more complicated [3].
The classical approach is called geometric, in which aircraft trajectory predictions
are based on linear projections of the current vehicle states [4-5]. The major disad-
vantage is that prediction errors are negligible only for short time periods and require
high rate of surveillance information update. The class of stochastic approaches is re-
lated to the problem of probabilistic conflict detection in the presence of various uncer-
tainties during the flight. The aircraft dynamics are described by using stochastic dif-
ferential equations, and the future aircraft’s trajectory is determined by solving the sto-
chastic trajectory optimization problem, it could be applied for conflict definition at
rather big distances [6], so stochastic approach can hardly be applied in order to control
a group of UAVs flying close to each other.
Linear programming is a mathematical method [7] where optimal control problem
lies in finding trajectories that minimize objective function. The drawback of such ap-
proach is the flyability of the optimal trajectories as far as safety and performance as-
pects of a given flight route are concerned.
The common disadvantage of all these methods is that they do not meet the main
requirements with respect to autonomous UAVs: the absence of any communication
links with the appropriate ground stations, with on-board computational and power
sources being limited.
The summarized disadvantages of the analyzed methods make it impossible to sim-
ultaneously use a combination of such parameters as heading, speed and altitude change
maneuvers to resolve multiple potential conflicts. Therefore, it is necessary to develop
some new methods for multiple autonomous UAVs control in a group in a three-dimen-
sional space. The method developed in this article is the evolution of potential field
method proposed in article [8]. A potential fields approach is based on assigning mag-
netic or electrical charges of the same sign to UAVs, while the opposite charges are
assigned to destinations, with the principle being based on the laws of physics according
to which the like particles will repel each other, while the destinations having opposite
charges will attract them. The main feature of such approach is that UAVs do not nec-
essarily need to know the positions of all other aircraft, so artificial force generated by
each UAV allows them to avoid each other spontaneously, at the same time keeping a
group form [9]. According to [10], this approach is scalable and can be applied to a big
number of UAVs, even in case of multiple conflicts.
Problem Statement
To solve this problem, a potential field approach is used. This method uses the property
of the real world charged particles to generate a force field (electric or magnetic), which
causes attraction and repulsion forces when these particles interact. The matter itself is
a typical example of the self-organization principle in nature. UAVs are considered as
dynamic objects with the same sign, with the point of destination having the opposite
sign, it is analogous to the free movement of the aircraft autonomous motion where
they constantly have potential conflicts, and it is required to avoid collisions with other
dynamic objects or static/dynamic obstacles. In this case, the term ‘potential conflict’
is a situation, when the minimum separation standard between dynamic objects is vio-
lated. The protection zone of dynamic objects is generally defined as follows: the min-
imum allowed horizontal separation and the vertical separation requirement depending
on the sizes of dynamic objects. The dynamic objects collision is the process of inter-
action between the dynamic objects or obstacles at a distance in which the dynamic
objects change their direction of motion and the speed module.
The dynamic objects interact similarly to the particles of substances that are found
in other aggregate states of matter (solid, liquid). The forces act simultaneously. For
different dynamic objects, the general character of the force of gravity from distance is
qualitatively the same: the force of attraction between dynamic objects dominates at
large distances, while the force of repulsion acts at short distances. Fig.1 shows the
qualitative dependence of interaction of forces between two dynamic objects found at
distance r between two dynamic objects is presented, where F+ and F- – are the depend-
ence of the attraction and repulsion forces respectively, and F++F- – is a resultant force.
At a critical distance r = rcr the resultant force is equal to zero, i.e. the forces of attrac-
tion and repulsion are counterbalanced. This distance rcr corresponds to the equilibrium
distance between the dynamic objects.
Fig. 1. The dependence of the attraction forces, the forces of repulsion between dy-
namic objects acting at a distance
This article considers a group system consisting of n autonomous UAVs, with a
point-mass model used to describe UAV formation movement. The related variables
are defined with respect to the inertial coordinate system and are shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. UAV coordinate system
The point-mass UAV model captures most of the dynamical effects encountered in
civil aviation aircraft. The point-mass equations of motion are formulated with respect
to a coordinate system shown in Fig. 2. The point-mass model assumes that the UAV
thrust is directed along the velocity vector, and that the UAV always performs coordi-
nated maneuvers. It further assumes a flat, non-rotating earth. These assumptions are
reasonable for UAVs operating within different ranges, therefore, this method can be
used in conflict resolution between different types of UAVs, with the fidelity provided
by the point-mass model being adequate for formulating these problems.
Point-mass models applicable for spherical earth approximations can also be devel-
oped. The fuel expenditure is negligible, i.e. the center of mass is time-invariant [11].
Under these assumptions, the motion equations of the i-th UAV can be described as
̇ = cos cos ;
̇ = cos sin ;
ℎ̇ = sin ;
cos − cos
̇ =
̇ =
̇ =
− sin ;
where: i=1, 2, …, n is the index of multiple UAVs under consideration. xi, yi, hi denote
the components of UAV gravity center position. For i-th UAV, xi is down range; yi is
cross range; hi is altitude; Vi is ground speed; γi is flight path angle; χi is heading angle;
Ti is engine thrust; Di is drag; mi is mass; g is acceleration due to gravity; φi is bank
angle; Li is vehicle lift. Bank angle φi and engine thrust Ti are control variables for an
aircraft. Bank angle is commanded via combining rudder and aileron trims, thrust is
commanded by engine throttle. The g-load ni=Li/gm is controlled by elevator, though
it refers only to UAV construction characteristics having higher limits due to the ab-
sence of crew on board an aircraft in comparison to traditional application. Throughout
the multi-UAV control process, these control variables will be constrained to remain
within their respective limits. The most common constraints considered are upper and
lower bounds on ground speed (Vi), altitude (hi), g-load (ni), thrust (Ti), bank angle (φi)
and climb or descent rates.
Heading angle χi and flight path angle γi are computed as:
tan =
tan =
ℎ ̇
In air traffic, conflict resolution is determined by separation constraints, forming the
so-called conflict envelopes or ‘protection zones’ so that UAVs flight trajectories do
not overlap during the flight. The conflict between two UAVs or an UAV with the
above-mentioned obstacles implies that their altitude should differ in value hpr given in
UAV flight performance characteristics, or they should not get closer in the horizontal
plane than indicated by value rpr. The protection zone can be visualized for each UAV
as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Spheroidal conflict envelope or ‘protection zone’ and distance between two
UAVs in the vertical plane
4 Method of the Multi-UAV Formation Flight Control
In order to apply this approach it is required to transfer the real world properties of
UAVs and their position coordinates to the virtual world with its synergetic properties,
with the potential conflicts that may occur on the flight path being taken into account.
This process includes the following steps:
– structural and parametric synthesis of the virtual world;
– structure formation and parameters of virtual measuring systems that provide con-
flict free trajectories calculation.
UAVs are transferred from real to virtual world as dynamic objects, with mass, at-
traction and repulsion potentials values being assigned to them. So, the equilibrium
state can be represented as:
+( , , ,
) = −( , , ,
where mi, mj – masses of i-th and j-th dynamic bodies, G – gravitational constant,
Attraction and repulsion forces can be calculated as:
Projections of attraction and repulsion forces between i-th and j-th bodies on axes X
and Y are calculated by the formulas:
+ =
− =
α ϵ {2, 3, …};
; β ϵ {3, 4, …};
+ = Fij
− = Fij
+ = Fij
− = Fij
+ |xi−xj|
+ |yi−yj|
− |xi−xj|
− |yi−yj|
rij = √(xi − xj)2 + (yi − yj)2
In equations (5) and (6), the aggregate state of the environment of the virtual world
(solid, liquid, gas) is chosen by the ratio α/β, which characterizes the degree of self-
organization of the dynamic objects. Analogy of the aggregate state of a virtual envi-
ronment can serve as an aggregate state of matter – gaseous, liquid, crystalline, etc.
The resultant vector at each point of dynamic object location consists of the sum of
−, but can perform a group formation, so to pro-
attraction and repulsion forces
duce dynamic objects movement there should be present one more force which takes
into account thrust force Pijx, Pijy direction with projection on axes X and Y (Fig. 4):
+ +
The main condition for dynamic object motion should be satisfied in the following
− < ( ). The group consists of n dynamic objects and each of them can
+ +
be described by the system of equations:
Fijx = Fijx
Fijy = Fijy
Fij = Fij
+ + Fijx
+ + Fijy
+ + Fij
− +
− +
− + ( )
2 =
2 =
∑ (Fijx
+ − Fijx
− + )
+ − Fijy
− + )
∑ (Fijy
∈ , ∈ .
Fig. 4. The scheme of forces with four dynamic objects in the original position
Fig. 5. The scheme of forces with four dynamic objects after group formation
The main advantage of the virtual world that was formed is that when the dynamic
objects approach the critical distance rpr, the resultant force acting on them is zero, i.e.
the forces of attraction and repulsion balance each other. Thus, rpr allows to set the size
of the dynamic objects protection zone.
+ = Fij
The absence of intersections of such zones, taking into account the uncertainty of
the forecasted position of the dynamic objects, allows maintaining a guaranteed level
of traffic safety in the multi-UAV formation flight control (Fig. 5).
If a static obstacle occurs on a multi-UAV path, the group interacts with it through
− forces (Fig. 6). This type of maneuver can be
+ and repulsion
− is neglected, because the obstacle is static:
applying attraction
conducted provided
+ < Fij
+ + Fij
− + ( )
The values of heading angle χi and ground speed Vi may change depending on dy-
namic objects location relative to the obstacle and destination point.